Stephen F. Austin
Mathematics Requirement

Math courses play a key role in your progress toward a degree in engineering or physics. It is important to be able to take calculus as soon as possible. At SFA there are two primary paths to calculus MATH 2313/2113 (TCCN MATH 2413). Either of the paths below will allow you to take calculus as long as you have C's or better.

Path #1 to Calculus (4 credit hours in 1 semester)
MATH 2211/2212 - Pre-Calculus A & B (in 1 semester) (TCCN MATH 1412)
     Requirements: SAT Math 600+ or ACT Math 25+

Path #2 to Calculus (4 credit hours in 2 semesters)
MATH 2211/2212 - Pre-Calculus A & B (in 2 semesters) (TCCN MATH 1412)
     Requirements: SAT Math 500+ or ACT Math 21+

Path #3 to Calculus (9 credit hours in 3 semesters)
MATH 1314 - Algebra (TCCN MATH 1314)
MATH 1316 - Trigonometry (TCCN MATH 1316)
MATH 1318 - Geometry (TCCN MATH 1348)

*TCCN = Texas Common Course Numbering

Math Placement Exams (Math For-Credit Exams)

Math placement exams are offered through the following office:

Department of Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy, P.O. Box 13044 SFA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3044 - Office: (936)468-3001
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